Second Conversations of Modal Auxiliaries

In the school, Mary is sharing her invitation bhirtday to all of her friend
Mary     : Sharon, would you like to come and join in my bhirtday party tonight?
Sharon  : WOW! That’s so wonderfull. I will have to come
Mary     : Great! Don’t be late yaa . . .
Sharon  : OK
                In another time after meet Sharon
Mary     : Hi Ken, would you like to come and join in my bhirtday party?
Ken        : When?
Mary     : Absolutely tonight
Ken        : I Can’t promise Mary, but i will have to try
Mary     : Please J
Ken        : . . . .
Mary     : Alright, I assume it’s sign of agreement hahaJ Bye
                A few hours before the party started
Mary     : HaloooJ
Moudy : Yes?
Mary     : Is it Moudy?
Moudy : ehem, and you are?
Mary     : Mary
Moudy : oh, MaryJ
               What’s going on? There are something that you need for me or what can i do for you?
Mary     : oh god-_- Did you really forget?
Moudy : What?
Mary     : About today?
Moudy : There are something special on this day?
Mary     : oh Moudy, you really make me furious and fell so sadL
                Today is my bhirtday Moudy, Remember?
Moudy : oh my god-_-
               Sorry Mary, i just don’t remember
               Ok, As my apology. You can ask anything you want for meJ
Mary     : NO!
Moudy  : Come on Mary, I don’t mean to forget your bhirtday. Please forgive me
 Mary    : OK, I will have to tell you if you must have been coming to my part
Moudy  : OK
               Oh wait! I just remembered that i have some test tomorrow, so i have to study
Mary     : You said that i could ask for anything from you, right?
Moudy  : Yeah, You’re right. But would you replace with another request?
                It’s really urgent
Mary     : No! Make sure to come or if you don’t, i will be very angry with you
Moudy  : But, MaryJ
Mary     : Just for your information, Ken will come.
               And you should not wasting this opportunity, right?
               Bye. See you
Moudy : -_-
                At 06.00 p.m In the Mary’s Bhirtday party
Mary     : MoudyJ
Moudy  : Oh hai, happy bhirtday dear
Mary     : I know that you must have come
Moudy  : Sure, If i don’t. You might hated me forever
Mary     : And you will have languish, haha :D
Moudy  : ah you’re to much
               By the way, where is ken?
Mary     : emm, he should have arrived, but i have not seen him
               Oh ya, you don’t  bring gift for me?
Moudy  : oh god, it must have leaved at my room-_-
Mary     : MOUDY!
Moudy  : SorryL
                Ken just arrived and coming to Mary and Moudy
Ken        : Hi guys
Moudy   : Oh hi Ken
Ken        : Mary, Happy bhirtday but why you look so languish?
Mary      : oh please, don’t ask anything
                 Just enjoyed the party. Bye
Moudy and Ken         :  Yeah, Bye


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