(By: Febriana Wulandari, Marlanisa A. A, Ratna Nuha Mufida Ghozali)

(at Campuss)

Marla & Ratna            : Good Morning \(^o^)/
Febri                            : Good Morning (´_`)
Ratna                           : Are you okay? You look so pale
Febri                            : Yeah, I’m not feeling well today
Marla                           : What a pity of you, why don’t you go to the Doctor?
Febri                            : Thanks for your sympathy. That’s a good idea, But i just need take a rest
Ratna                           : You’d better come back home now
Febri                            : Thanks, Would you please take me to my home?
Ratna                           : oh, I’d Love to. But i don’t have motorcycle
Marla                           : No Problem. I will take you home

(at Febri’s Home)

Febri                            : Would you like to come in?
Marla                           : I’d Like to. But I’am in hurry 

(at Campuss)

Ratna                           : I’d like to know about febri’s condition?
Marla                           : She Arrived at home safe and sound. I think that would be possible she
                                      Will better tomorrow
Ratna                           : I think it’s better if we visit her tonight, what do you think about that?
Marla                           : That’s a good idea

(at Febri’s Home)

Marla & Ratna             : Knock Knock Knock . . .
Febri                            : Woo, I’m very happy that you come here
                                       Come in and get some drink
Ratna                           : That’s very kind of you
Marla                           : Sure. I’m Coming


Expressing Sympathy            -> What a pity of you
Making Suggestions              -> Why don’t you go to the Doctor?
                                                     You’d better . . .
Responding Sympathy          -> Thanks for your sympathy
Rejecting Suggestions           -> That’s a good idea, But . . .
Accepting Suggestions          -> Thanks
Requesting                             -> Would you please . . .
Refusing Request                   -> I’d Love to. But . . .
Accepting Request                -> No Problem
Making Invitation                  -> Would you like to . . .
Declining Invitation               -> I’d Like to. But . . .
Expression of Curiosity         -> I’d like to know . . .
Expression of Possibility       -> I think that would be possible . . .
Expression of Giving Opinion           -> I think . . .
Expression of Asking Opinion           -> what do you think about . . .
Accepting Invitation             -> That’s very kind of you
     Sure. I’m Coming


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