Princess, Knight, and a Giant

one day at a palace, Princess Marva was weeping her sister in resistance by forest giant named Albern

Marva: huuu huuu huuu, Princess neva T, T where are you now?
Luigi: oh Princess Marva, how pity you are!
Marva: Dad, take neva come back home please
Luigi: Okay, what if we held a contest ?
Marva: i agree with that, as soon as possible

While on the other parts

Albern: Neva, you look so pretty
Neva: let me go! Get off me! (struggling with a rope tied on the body)
Albern: Neva, you're better suited to be my wife
Neva: no! I do not want to have a cruel husband
Albern: (teary)

The contest started, announcements distributed across any country. Some kings flocked to take part in the competition process. After going through some process eventually elected a knight.

Luigi: my lovely daughter, this is Darrel
Darrel: pride can get acquainted with Princess
Luigi: Darrel is a knight who escaped contest
Marva: I entrust you to save my sister
Darrel: I will bend over backwards Princess, leave it to me
Marva: I trust you

Finally knight Darrel, headed in to forest with many considerable force to meet Giant Albern.
During the way to the forest, the unfortunate insident override knight Darrel. The whole army and his horse mud swallowed alive. Finally knight Darrel continue their journey by foot.

Darrel: oh god, give me your instructions (while resting under a tree)

5 minutes later

An angel: aloha young knight
Darrel: wow how beautiful you are! but who are you?
An angel: do you want to go to the giant Albern, don’t you?
Darrel: how can you know?
An angel: meet with an old man who lived near the banks of the river in the forest
Darrel: an old man?
An angel: yes, he is wearing a white robe. He has long white and beard
Darrel: then, what should I do with him?

Suddenly the angel began to move away and disappear

Darrel: hey hey hey
Darrel awakened from his sleep

Darrel: oh just a dream, but why feel so real?
Darrell continued his journey, until by the time he was very thirsty in the woods. He saw there a river long enough and the water is clear.

Darrel: wah there is a river, incidentally I was also very thirsty

When Darrel drink, there is someone who passed. Darrel thought it was weird with that person. Then Darrel approached

Darrel: Excuse me, do you live in this forest?
An Old Man: (smiling while holding his beard)
Darrel: grandfather? Did you know where the existence of giant Albern
An Old Man: (still smiling while holding his beard)
Darrel remembered something in his dream
Darrel: whether grandfather those contemplated by the angel in my dream?
An Old man: (Darrel left)

Darrel increasingly confused and decided to follow the old man

An Old man: (provide a clothing and submit to Darrel)
Darrel: Thank you Grandpa, but for what it is?
An Old Man: (smiling while holding his beard)

Darrel looked at the clothes he got from an old man, unknowingly, the old man has disappeared from the face of Darrel

Darrel: grandfather, grandfather, grandfather? * shouted loud

Then Darrel went on his way, in a middle of his journey, clothes that he wore exposed to bird droppings. Finally Darrel used clothing that he got from an old man

Darrel: argh -_-

How surprised Darrel sees himself as big  as giant when he wearing a clothe from the old man.

Darrel: what happened? Why I changed to be giant * confused

Darrel heard noises in the caves which are not far from him. Darrel enter sneak and peek at what's going on inside the cave.

Albern: neva, what should I do to get you to be my wife?
Neva: if you can make me laugh and cry at the same time
Albern: well if you say so
Neva: sure you will be?
Albern: (spell) tralala trilili abbacadabra
 (exit two monkeys)
Neva: (looking secretly)
Albern: neva, know they are my favorite twin monkeys
His name Mongki and Nongki
Neva: then what can they do?
Albern: Mongki! Nongki! Show us the greatness of you * give the command

Mongki & Nongki: (nods)
Mongki & Nongki show their prowess, and Princess Neva tidk react to anything except the occasional yawn.

Neva: it's boring ~
Albern: wait a minute I still have the other

Albern cast a spell and exit a sissy

Neva: (shocked and grinning)
Albern: Neva, this is person who always help me to laugh, Mince. You definitely will be made to laugh too
Neva: are you really sure?
Albern: we'll see
Mince show action, Neva guffaw
Albern: (attach satisfied look on his face) how?
Am I right? You will laugh neva
Neva: you're right! I laughed out loudly
Albern: then? Are you willing to be my wife?
Neva: no!
Albern: why? That your promise
Neva: right you make me laugh, but you forgot one thing
Albern: what?
Neva: you must also simultaneously make me cry with laughter
Albern: is not that impossible?
Neva: nothing is impossible in this world

Albern bowed sluggish and feel very sad

Meanwhile, knight Darrel accidentally tripped and rolled toward the giant Albern.

Albern: who are you?
Darrel: emm emm emm, can help me up first?

Albern help Darrel stand, but instead of Darrel could rise, even Albern also overturned.

Neva: * laugh out loudly

Albern and Darrel acting unintentionally funny thing, and it makes Neva laugh until tears come out. Seeing this, Albern finally happy and suddenly embraced Darrel.

Albern: yeaaaay! Finally I could get married

Albern and Darrel cuddle. Magic happens, they both turn into knights are so similar. It turns out that is the twin brother, Darrel and Albern had been separated and Albern cared for by an old man who met Darrell in the river. Finally Albern and Neva married, and happily ever hehe: D


  1. Wow wow wow so beautiful. your post is very charming marlaaa, mumu. I am interesting. so I don't correct your dialog wkwk :D

  2. yeaahh... happy ending haha #plaaak :D
    It's so long marlaa,..I'm tired reading your post.. :D

  3. woh your comic is long? but i guess it's good. btw your main picture, where you made that? :o

  4. and happy ending,,, your comic so beautiful marla,,, i like it ,,,good job :)
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