Learn About BLENDER 

Dari judul tersebut, masing-masing readers memiliki kacamatanya sendiri untuk mengartikannya. Untuk beberapa readers pasti langsung menangkap judul tersebut sebagai alat yang biasa digunakan untuk menghaluskan sesuatu atau biasa dipakai oleh para penjual jus *ah jadi haus hehe. Back to the topic! Tapi ada pula readers yang menangkap judul tersebut sebagai software untuk grafis 3 dimensi. Masing-masing orang boleh berpendapat sesuai dengan pemikiran mereka pribadi kan yaa, karena ini negara demokrasi *wetsah. Tapi kali ini yang akan diulas adalah mengenai software yang bernama Blender.

Seperti yang sudah diungkapkan diawal, Blender merupakan sebuah perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk grafis 3D. Selain itu, Blender juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat animasi 3D bahkan dilengkapi pula dengan fitur untuk membuat permainan. Blender juga merupakan OOS (Open Source Software) yakni software yang dapat digunakan di berbagai macam OS (Operating System) seperti Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, IRIX, Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, dan OpenBSD. Nah, Blender juga software yang GRATIS! yang berlisensi GPL bukan Ga Pake Lama tapi GNU General Public License hehe:D artinya kode sumbernya tersedia dan dapat diambil dan dipergunakan oleh siapa saja.

Sejarah perkembangan Blender

Nah beralih ke sejarah terciptanya Blender, dimulai pada tahun 1988 Ton Roosendaal mendanai perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang animasi Belanda yang dinamakan NeoGeo. Dimana NeoGeo merupakan salah satu perusahaan animasi terdepan di Eropa.

Pada tahun 1995 muncullah sebuah software yang pada akhirnya dinamakan Blender yang terinspirasi dari sebuah lagu oleh Yello di album Baby.

 Lalu pada bulan Juni 1998 Ton mendirikan perusahaan yang bernama Not a Number (NaN) untuk mengembangkan dan memasarkan Blender lebih jauh. Cita – cita NaN adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah software animasi 3D yang padat, cross platform yang gratis dan dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat pengguna komputer yang umum.

Sayangnya ambisi NaN tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan pasar saat itu. Tahun 2001 NaN dibentuk ulang menjadi perusahaan yang lebih kecil. NaN meluncurkan software komersial pertamanya, Blender Publisher. Sasaran pasar software ini adalah untuk web 3D interaktif. Angka penjualan yang rendah dan iklim ekonomi yang tidak menguntungkan saat itu mengakibatkan NaN ditutup pada tahun 2002. Penutupan ini termasuk penghentian terhadap pengembangan Blender pula.

Karena tidak ingin Blender hilang ditelan waktu begitu saja, Ton Roosendaal mendirikan organisasi non profit yang bernama Blender Foundation. Tujuan utama Blender Foundation adalah terus mempromosikan dan mengembangkan Blender sebagai proyek open source. Akhirnya para kreditur setuju untuk melepaskan Blender dibawah GNU General Public License, untuk pembayaran satu kali sebesar € 100.000 (US $ 100.670 pada saat itu).

Pada tanggal 18 Juli 2002, Roosendaal memulai kampanye pendanaan Blender untuk mengumpulkan sumbangan, dan pada tanggal 7 September 2002, mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mengumpulkan cukup dana dan akan merilis kode sumber Blender. Hingga hari ini Blender menjadi software yang GRATIS! Dan open source.

Nah, berikut ini merupakan tampilan (User Interface) Blender, User interface Blender dibagi menjadi daerah persegi panjang yang disebut jendela (atau kadang-kadang daerah). Susunan keseluruhan jendela disebut ruang kerja.

Setiap window Blender memiliki header. Sundulan A dapat muncul di bagian atas jendela, di bagian bawah jendela, atau bahkan tersembunyi. Mari kita lihat lebih dekat pada header.

a.   Header dari jendela Info diuraikan dalam warna hijau.
b.  Header dari Tampilan 3D window diuraikan dalam warna merah. Perhatikan bahwa ia berjalan di sepanjang bagian bawah Tampilan 3D jendela, bukan atas.
c.      Header dari jendela Properties diuraikan dengan warna biru.
d.     Header dari jendela Outliner diuraikan dalam putih.
e.      Header dari jendela Timeline adalah satu di bagian bawah (tidak dijelaskan)

Pada masing-masing window, terdapat masing-masing ikon di bagian ujungnya yang berfungsi untuk mengganti menu headernya.

Ada pengecualian khusus pada tool box di sebelah kiri, beberapa menunya bisa di expand (memiliki properties).

Nah itu tadi sedikit penjelasan mengenai User Interface blender. Sebenernya masih sangat banyak ikon dan menu-menu yang memiliki fungsi-fungsi yang tidak bisa saya jelaskan satu persatu. Silahkan explore dan latihan sendiri yaaJ

one day at a palace, Princess Marva was weeping her sister in resistance by forest giant named Albern

Marva: huuu huuu huuu, Princess neva T, T where are you now?
Luigi: oh Princess Marva, how pity you are!
Marva: Dad, take neva come back home please
Luigi: Okay, what if we held a contest ?
Marva: i agree with that, as soon as possible

While on the other parts

Albern: Neva, you look so pretty
Neva: let me go! Get off me! (struggling with a rope tied on the body)
Albern: Neva, you're better suited to be my wife
Neva: no! I do not want to have a cruel husband
Albern: (teary)

The contest started, announcements distributed across any country. Some kings flocked to take part in the competition process. After going through some process eventually elected a knight.

Luigi: my lovely daughter, this is Darrel
Darrel: pride can get acquainted with Princess
Luigi: Darrel is a knight who escaped contest
Marva: I entrust you to save my sister
Darrel: I will bend over backwards Princess, leave it to me
Marva: I trust you

Finally knight Darrel, headed in to forest with many considerable force to meet Giant Albern.
During the way to the forest, the unfortunate insident override knight Darrel. The whole army and his horse mud swallowed alive. Finally knight Darrel continue their journey by foot.

Darrel: oh god, give me your instructions (while resting under a tree)

5 minutes later

An angel: aloha young knight
Darrel: wow how beautiful you are! but who are you?
An angel: do you want to go to the giant Albern, don’t you?
Darrel: how can you know?
An angel: meet with an old man who lived near the banks of the river in the forest
Darrel: an old man?
An angel: yes, he is wearing a white robe. He has long white and beard
Darrel: then, what should I do with him?

Suddenly the angel began to move away and disappear

Darrel: hey hey hey
Darrel awakened from his sleep

Darrel: oh just a dream, but why feel so real?
Darrell continued his journey, until by the time he was very thirsty in the woods. He saw there a river long enough and the water is clear.

Darrel: wah there is a river, incidentally I was also very thirsty

When Darrel drink, there is someone who passed. Darrel thought it was weird with that person. Then Darrel approached

Darrel: Excuse me, do you live in this forest?
An Old Man: (smiling while holding his beard)
Darrel: grandfather? Did you know where the existence of giant Albern
An Old Man: (still smiling while holding his beard)
Darrel remembered something in his dream
Darrel: whether grandfather those contemplated by the angel in my dream?
An Old man: (Darrel left)

Darrel increasingly confused and decided to follow the old man

An Old man: (provide a clothing and submit to Darrel)
Darrel: Thank you Grandpa, but for what it is?
An Old Man: (smiling while holding his beard)

Darrel looked at the clothes he got from an old man, unknowingly, the old man has disappeared from the face of Darrel

Darrel: grandfather, grandfather, grandfather? * shouted loud

Then Darrel went on his way, in a middle of his journey, clothes that he wore exposed to bird droppings. Finally Darrel used clothing that he got from an old man

Darrel: argh -_-

How surprised Darrel sees himself as big  as giant when he wearing a clothe from the old man.

Darrel: what happened? Why I changed to be giant * confused

Darrel heard noises in the caves which are not far from him. Darrel enter sneak and peek at what's going on inside the cave.

Albern: neva, what should I do to get you to be my wife?
Neva: if you can make me laugh and cry at the same time
Albern: well if you say so
Neva: sure you will be?
Albern: (spell) tralala trilili abbacadabra
 (exit two monkeys)
Neva: (looking secretly)
Albern: neva, know they are my favorite twin monkeys
His name Mongki and Nongki
Neva: then what can they do?
Albern: Mongki! Nongki! Show us the greatness of you * give the command

Mongki & Nongki: (nods)
Mongki & Nongki show their prowess, and Princess Neva tidk react to anything except the occasional yawn.

Neva: it's boring ~
Albern: wait a minute I still have the other

Albern cast a spell and exit a sissy

Neva: (shocked and grinning)
Albern: Neva, this is person who always help me to laugh, Mince. You definitely will be made to laugh too
Neva: are you really sure?
Albern: we'll see
Mince show action, Neva guffaw
Albern: (attach satisfied look on his face) how?
Am I right? You will laugh neva
Neva: you're right! I laughed out loudly
Albern: then? Are you willing to be my wife?
Neva: no!
Albern: why? That your promise
Neva: right you make me laugh, but you forgot one thing
Albern: what?
Neva: you must also simultaneously make me cry with laughter
Albern: is not that impossible?
Neva: nothing is impossible in this world

Albern bowed sluggish and feel very sad

Meanwhile, knight Darrel accidentally tripped and rolled toward the giant Albern.

Albern: who are you?
Darrel: emm emm emm, can help me up first?

Albern help Darrel stand, but instead of Darrel could rise, even Albern also overturned.

Neva: * laugh out loudly

Albern and Darrel acting unintentionally funny thing, and it makes Neva laugh until tears come out. Seeing this, Albern finally happy and suddenly embraced Darrel.

Albern: yeaaaay! Finally I could get married

Albern and Darrel cuddle. Magic happens, they both turn into knights are so similar. It turns out that is the twin brother, Darrel and Albern had been separated and Albern cared for by an old man who met Darrell in the river. Finally Albern and Neva married, and happily ever hehe: D

     Hello, As the picture says my name is Marlanisa Arifatul Afifah and the people around me usually call me Marla^^. Although in fact , Many unofficial names and odd title given to me like “oneng”, “muslimah”, “tolan”, “markonah”, “marimar”, “pipiot”, “mak gandreng”, “emak”, “ambon”, and the last “Dewi Patkai” i don’t know why the name that given to me is so much and weird. Anyway, back to the topic! I was born and raised in Surabaya actually, but in my birth certificate written that i was born in Wonogiri -_- why? Because my parents has been made the certificate there. I was born on Sunday 14 April 1996 approximately at 10 A.M. I live with my parents, a little sister, and a little brother. My father, Tukiran and my mother named Yulani are married because of an arranged marriage. They were married in 1995, and a year later they were blessed with their first child, of course it’s me. And in 1999, my mom gave birth to her second baby, the name is Maulidiyah Marátus Sholichah. She is my taciturn little sister, in our family she usually called “Ulik”, and the last is my annoying little brother, his name is Muhammad Ihzanul Karim, we usually called him “Sanul”. Even of the three of us get together, we always quarrel and fight over something, sometimes we also yelling at each other. But when we split up, there’s something missing, i feel it now. I could not get together with my sister and brother in a long time, because they were educated in islamic boarding school (Pondok Pesantren).

     I started school when i was 6 years old, i took my first education in kindergarten Nurul Iman. Next year, i continued school at islamic Primary School Nurul Iman for 6 years. And then, for 3 years in 26 Junior High School. After graduated from Junior High School, i continued my studies at Vocational High School 1 majoring in Multimedia. And now, i am college student in Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, majoring in Multimedia Broadcasting.

     In my spare time, sometimes i doing something that make me happy such as listen to music. I often listen to the song any of genre. I also like cooking althought not very proficient, but there is a distinct pleasure, if there is someone likes our cuisine and exhausted devoured. Otherwise it, sometimes i watched movies, romance movies is my favorite genre, korean drama especially hehe^^. Reading romance books, motivational books, and comics also i used to do in my spare time. When i am in a good mood condition, i’m trying to hone my creativity by designing posters, illustrations, chibi character, vector, and many more. At night, i love star gazing. Unfortunately , in Surabaya the star does not always appear.

     Like most people, I have a dream too. Not just a dream but the Dreams! not far from the education that I was in, my dream is to become a Graphic Designer , Videographer , Video Editor. Other than that, I also want to memorize the Al-Quran completely, Hajj, such as the desire of all Muslims. And one of my big dreams is become a volunteer in underdeveloped villages and become a member of Search and Rescue team (SAR). Actually there are a lot of my dreams, but let it be a secret between me and omniscient god.

     Anyway, time to wrap this up. Thanks for reading into a slice of my personal life. Maybe you found it interesting, maybe you didn’t. Have a wonderful day!